- MEAT::CpGs_in_MEATDescription of the CpGs used in MEAT
- MEAT::CpGs_in_MEAT2.0Description of the CpGs used in MEAT2.0
- MEAT::GSE121961GSE121961 methylation data
- MEAT::GSE121961_phenoGSE121961 phenotypes
- MEAT::elasticnet_model_MEATElastic net model used in the original muscle clock (MEAT).
- MEAT::elasticnet_model_MEAT2.0Elastic net model used in the updated muscle clock (MEAT 2.0).
- MEAT::gold.mean.MEATMean methylation in dataset GSE50498 reduced to the 19,401 CpGs of MEAT
- MEAT::gold.mean.MEAT2.0Mean methylation in dataset GSE50498 reduced to the 18,747 CpGs of MEAT 2.0